

reserve some time - 英中

大量翻译例句关于reserve some time – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

please reserve - 英中

Please reserve tickets in advance online or by telephone, and purchase [...] · Please reserve your time for this great [...].

請問:收到一個會議通知 | please reserve your time

please reserve your time,大家都在找解答。請問:收到一個會議通知,想表達我會預留時間(參加會議),可以I will reserve my time for the meeting嗎?


2016年6月29日 — Meeting agenda is attached. Please reserve your time to attend the meeting on time and please make arrangements to have other staff members ...

Please kindly reserve your time.

You can use it when asking someone to set aside some time for you, e.g. Please kindly reserve some time for our meeting on Monday at 2pm..

會議室精鍊用詞多益英文一次掌握| 英語大進化

2023年7月1日 — reserve最常見的意思是「預約」,除了預約會議室,預定餐廳也是使用這個單字,名詞為reservation。 Please reserve the conference room for our team ...

please reserve your time in attending vs ...

please reserve your time to attend or please reserve your time in attending? - Which English form is more popular?

商業英文Email 台灣人最常犯的10個錯誤搭配

今天要談的是商業英文幾組慣用的搭配,錯誤的搭配不見得就是文法錯誤,但搭對了,就會有自然流暢的專業。 謝謝你提醒我們注意。 (X)Thank you for bringing this to our ...

Please reserve your time to attend the meeting with thanks. ...

Please reserve your time to attend the meeting with thanks. The meeting mins of last week are as below for your reference. Thanks! Please reserve your time ...

Please reserve your time for the meeting的繁體中文翻譯

Please reserve your time for the meeting的翻譯結果。